
Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Indo Global organized workshop on Paper Battery

School News Network
Mohali, August 02 2017

A paper battery workshop was organized at Indo global Group of Colleges in Mohali on Wednesday. Around 280 students of 3rd, 5th & 7th semester of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering & faculty members attended the workshop. Students were informed about the paper battery which is a flexible, ultra-thin energy storage and production device formed by combining carbon nanotubes with a conventional sheet of cellulose-based paper. A paper battery acts as both a high-energy battery and super capacitor, combining two components that are separate in traditional electronics. This combination allows the battery to provide both long-term, steady power production and bursts of energy. Non-toxic, flexible paper batteries have the potential to power the next generation of electronics, medical devices and hybrid vehicles, allowing for radical new designs and medical technologies.
Workshop on paper battery at Indo Global Group of colleges in Mohali on Wednesday.

Chairman Indo Global Sukhdev Singla informed that Paper batteries may be folded, cut or otherwise shaped for different applications without any loss of integrity or efficiency. Cutting one in half halves its energy production. Stacking them multiplies power output. Early prototypes of the device are able to produce 2.5 volts of electricity from a sample the size of a postage stamp. According to him it can be used in Medical Instruments, Automobile Sensors, aircraft Security Devices etc.
Students attending a workshop on paper battery at Indo Global Group of colleges in Mohali on Wednesday.

Manav Singla, CEO Indo Global informed that Paper Battery is favourable for applications where size and portability is the major necessity. Most modern electronic devices like digital watches, smart cards etc. facilitate the necessity of ultra-thin batteries which are nontoxic, flexible and long lasting.
Students attending a workshop on paper battery at Indo Global Group of colleges in Mohali on Wednesday.

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