School News brings to you daily news updates about Educational Activities which happen day to day in schools, colleges and universities. We also publish daily news activities other than schools.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 31 2019
Chandigarh, January 31 2019
The much awaited Annual Field Show was held with great zeal, excitement and passion. The programme began with the March Past by all the four houses Clover, Maple , Sycamore, Aspen and the Oath taking ceremony. Principal Surita Sharma took the salute of the impressive March Past of the students which was followed by the Flag Hoisting Ceremony.
The highlight of the day was the stirring music by the band. The Saupin Band with its magical music captivated the audience. A total of 88 students comprising of 6 Bagpipers, 48 Drummers, 30 flautists and 2 guitarists, a keyboard player and a percussionist captivated the audience. They not only made music on their instruments, but also the way they played together as a musical group, proper band etiquette and discipline, and most of all how they had practiced and persevered was impressive .
The school also felicitated the National Level Achievers in the field of Sports and awarded them cash prizes worth Rs.48,000 .
It was a moment of pride and glory for the school to see the students excel .
The stadium soon reverberated to the sound of Classical music with students presenting the soulful Classical Dance ‘Pushpanjali’.
The students displayed a Gymnastic display mesmerising the audience with their energetic performances.
Once the races began, the air was filled with cheering and tons of encouragement for the young athletes. Various races ,according to the division were conducted. 400 m, 50 m Wheel Barrow, Relay race, 100m Obstacle , 200 m ,100 m .
The Grand Finale of Day -1 was the Western Dance-First Level Crew.The light footed dancers truly stole the show .The stadium resounded with cheers and claps coming from the audience .
The events filled the hearts of everyone with the spirit of sportsmanship and unity. The students displayed a wide array of colourful and reverberant events. They mesmerised the audience with their energetic performances.
The results of the track events are as under :
RACE 1(400 m) 1st Position (Boys)- Gurinder Pal Singh, 1st Position (Girls) – Ridhi Dani
RACE 3 (4*100 M RELAY) 1st Position (Boys) Manas, Kamal, Aniket, Zorawar
1st Position (Girls) Divyanshi, Tanya, Hasrat, Sirat
1st Position (Girls) Divyanshi, Tanya, Hasrat, Sirat
RACE 4 (100 m Obstacle) 1st Position (Boys) Navsirat Singh Narula, 1st Position (Girls) Ridhi Dani
RACE 5 (200 m) 1st Position (Boys) Navneet Singh, 1st Position (Girls) Ridhi Dani
RACE 1(400 m) 1st Position (Boys) Saksham Vashisth, 1st Position (Girls) Tanya Sharma
RACE 1(400 m) 1st Position (Boys) Saksham Vashisth, 1st Position (Girls) Tanya Sharma
RACE 4 (75 m Hurdle run) 1st Position (Boys) Manas Anand, 1st Position (Girls) Divyanshi Bishnoi
RACE 5 (200 m) 1st Position (Boys) Manas Anand, 1st Position (Girls) Tanya Sharma
RACE 6 (400 m ) 1st Position (Boys) Saksham Vashisht, 1st Position (Girls) Tanya Sharma
RACE 1(100 m) 1st Position (Boys) Jeevan Bahadur, 1st Position (Girls) Samridhi Vaishnav
RACE 1(100 m) 1st Position (Boys) Jeevan Bahadur, 1st Position (Girls) Samridhi Vaishnav
RACE 2 (30m) LEMON SPOON 1st Position (Boys) Nitish, 1st Position (Girls) Sia Dalal
RACE 3 (50 m Hurdle run) 1st Position (Boys) Jeevan Bahadur, 1st Position (Girls) Pinky Verma
RACE 5 (50 m) 1st Position (Boys) Rakshit Kaushik, 1st Position (Girls) Keshavi Mehra
RACE 6 (75m ) 1st Position (Boys) Pranav Sarna, 1st Position (Girls) Aalya Mehta
Race 15m Wheel Barrow – 1st Position (Boys) Aryan Goyal, Vidant Shandilya
1st Position (Girls) Aishwarya Sharma, Divyanshi
Race 15m Wheel Barrow – 1st Position (Boys) Aryan Goyal, Vidant Shandilya
1st Position (Girls) Aishwarya Sharma, Divyanshi
Sunday, 27 January 2019
Alankar Theatre starts its Punjab Tour with play - "The First Teacher"
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 26 2019
Theatre group, Alankar Theatre started its Punjab
tour with Play “The First Teacher” in order to educate youth of Punjab.
As the youth stress upon moving aboard in order to take better education due to
lack of facilities here which leaves a bad impact on society.
As every artist
is responsible to highlight these important issues, Alankar theatre takes this
responsibility to reach each and every corner of Punjab villages to spread
awareness on the issue. In the urban areas, viewers are limited to only
auditoriums to see the theatre, but with this effort the artists with their
theatre art will reach numerous people to educate and aware them for the same.
The tour begins on 25th February and
will ends on 31st of January 2019.
Friday, 25 January 2019
National Day of Girl Child Celebrated
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 25 2019
PINK TURBAN CAMPAIGN at GGMSSS-18 and St. Stephen’s 45
Pink Balloons released wearing and Pink Turbans at Govt. Home Science College, Chandigarh
While giving a strong message of ‘RISING GIRLS POWER’, Yuvsatta-an NGO organized morning assemblies with a unique ‘PINK TURBAN CAMPAIGN’, in association with Peace Clubs of two prominent Schools of the city, namely Government Girls Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector 18C and St. Stephen’s School, Sector 45B, Chandigarh. Where over 3000 young students, with girls adorning Pink Turbans and boys pink stoles joined and took a solemn pledge to uphold the rights and dignity of girls and women at all levels for a better India.
The programme ended with a pledge of uphold and promote rights and dignity of girls and women by Principal
The programme ended with a pledge of uphold and promote rights and dignity of girls and women by Principal
Raj Bala and Principal, Louis Lopez administering this oath to young students.
Meanwhile, girl students wearing Pink Turbans released pink balloons to celebrate National Day of Girl Child was at Home Science College, Chandigarh. This enthusiastic group was led by Prof. Sudha Katyal, Madhu P. Singh, Sr. Advocate, S. HS Talwar and Pramod Sharma, Coordinator of Yuvsatta.
Welcoming the dignitaries Prof. Sudha Katyal shared that it’s time for girls and women to raise their voices for their fundamental rights of education, healthcare, equality & human rights bestowed upon them by constitution of India.
Pramod Sharma sharing examples from history and present times inspired and motivated participating girls to live fearless and life of courage with conviction. He also added that National Day of Girl Child is celebrated to increase the awareness among people about all the inequalities faced by the girls and women in the society. This includes inequality in education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, protection, honour, child marriage and so many. And they have tried successfully this Pink Turban Campaign inspiring girls to wear turbans, so that they feel empowered and rightfully take a stand to claim dignity and respect in all spheres of life.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Joshi Foundation organised Painting Competition to mark 70th Republic Day
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 23 2019
जोशी फाऊंडेशन द्वारा 70वें गणतंत्र दिवस पर एक पेटिंग कंपीटिशन आयोजित की गई, जिसका शीर्षक था ‘पेट्रियोटिक पैटिंग कंपीटिशन’ देशभकितपूर्ण चित्र प्रतियोगिता। पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी के जिमनेजियम हॉल में आयोजित इस इंटर स्कूल ड्राइंग कंपीटिशन में माननीय राज्यपाल वी.पी. सिंह बदनौर ने बतौर मुखयातिथि शिरकत करते हुए बच्चों को पेंटिग करते हुए सराहा। इस अवसर पर उनके साथ विशेष तौर पर पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी के वाइस चांसलर प्रो. राज कुमार, जोशी फाऊंडेशन के चेयरमैन विनीत जोशी, प्रसिद्ध काॢडयोलॉजिस्ट डा. एचके.बाली, पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी के सिंडीकेट मैंबर प्रो. नवदीप गोयल, रजिस्टरार प्रो. कर्मजीत सिंह, एस.वी.सी. प्रो. दविन्द्र सिंह, स्पोर्टस डिपार्टमैंट के डायरेकटर प्रो. परमिंदर सिंह, कालेज डिवैल्पमैंट कौंसिल के डीन प्रो. संजय कौशिक, प्रो. सुकेश मानव, दीपक कौशिक, पी.जी.आई. न्यूरोलॉजी विभाग के प्रो. अक्षय आनंद, बेटी बचाओ-बेटी पढ़ाओ सोसायटी के प्रो. एस.सी. गुप्ता, पंजाब आरएसएस से अमृतसागर, एबीवीपी के अध्यक्ष राजन भंडारी, अमित सूद, चंडीगढ़ ललित कला एकैडमी के वाइस चेयरमैन रविन्द्र शर्मा व पूर्व पार्षद सौरभ जोशी विशेष तौर पर मौजूद थे।
विनीत जोशी ने बताया कि इस प्रतियोगिता में चंडीगढ़ के विभिन्न-विभिन्न स्कूलों के करीबन 1200 विद्यार्थियों ने हिस्सा लिया। प्रतियोगिता को सीनियर व जूनियर वर्ग में बांटा गया था, जिसमें सीनियर वर्ग में 7वीं से 9वीं कक्षा तक के विद्याॢथयों ने हिस्सा लिया, जबकि जूनियर वर्ग में चौथी से छठी कक्षा तक के विद्याॢथयों ने हिस्सा लिया। बच्चों की पेटिंग का आंकलन करने के लिए विशेष तौर पर कला माहिर मौजूद थे।
प्रतियोगिता में जूनियर वर्ग से सेंट सोल्जर स्कूल सेकटर 28 की नम्रता ने पहला, अंकूर स्कूल की इशानी भारगया ने फस्र्ट रनरअप, जीजीएसवीएम रतवाड़ा साहिब की जोवनप्रीत कौर ने सैकेंड रनरअप तथा शिशु निकेतन सेकटर-43 के हरमन ने प्रशस्ति पुरस्कार हासिल किया। इसी तरह सीनियर वर्ग से वाईपीएस मोहाली की तनूश्री जिठा ने पहला, शिशु निकेतन सेकटर-22 की आदिती शर्मा ने फस्र्ट रनरअप, संत वरयाम स्कूल रतवाड़ा साहिब की अमनप्रीत कौर ने सैकेंड रनरअप तथा सेंट सोल्जर स्कूल सेकटर-28 के इशान चौहान ने प्रशस्ति पुरस्कार हासिल किया।
इस अवसर पर राज्यपाल वीपी सिंह बदनौर ने पेटिंग कर रहे विद्यार्थियों के साथ बातचीत करते हुए उनके द्वारा बनाई जा रही पेटिंग को सराहा। विद्यार्थियों के साथ आए अध्यापकों द्वारा भी राज्यपाल का अभिनंदन किया गया।
अंत में सभी विजेताओं को जोशी फाऊंडेशन के चेयरमेन विनीत जोशी द्वारा विशेष तौर पर सममानित किया गया। इस अवसर पर विनीत जोशी ने मंच से ऐलान किया कि जोशी फाऊंडेशन 70वें गणतंत्र दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में इस वर्ष 70 ऐसे समाजिक प्रोग्राम आयोजित करेगा।
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
Monday, 21 January 2019
3 Base Repair Depot Organised Mini Marathon
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 21 2019
A Mini Marathon was organized at 3 Base Repair Depot, Air Force on 20 Jan 19 as part of Republic Day Celebration 2019. A large number of Air Force personnel including their families and school and college students of different age groups participated in the marathon wholeheartedly.
Air Commodore Sanjiv Ghuratia, Air Officer Commanding, 3 BRD flagged off the Mini Marathon. On this occasion, Static Display of various Air Force equipment was also organised to familiarize and motivate the students about Air Force.
Air Commodore Sanjiv Ghuratia, Air Officer Commanding, 3 BRD flagged off the Mini Marathon. On this occasion, Static Display of various Air Force equipment was also organised to familiarize and motivate the students about Air Force.
Sunday, 20 January 2019
Workshop for Teachers organised at The British School Panchkula
A workshop was organised in The British School, Panchkula to keep the teachers updated about the latest news in terms of exams and assessments. It was an in house training where the teachers were sensitized that more interaction is required with the children these days. They were also told to always be positive with the children and motivate them to give their best.
Teachers were asked to encourage the students in their own area of specialisation and not expect them to be the best in every subject. Teachers should also be well prepared in advance for their class.
They were also informed about gender sensitivity and how we should not be biased towards any gender. We should always address the students as students or children and not as boys and girls. The staff was also apprised of how we all should bring about this change in the mindsets of the people and educate them about gender sensitivity.
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Fire Safety Workshop held at Saupin's School Chandigarh
School News Network
Saupin’s 32 students and staff attended a fire safety workshop at school conducted by Fire Officer Raj Kumar and Fireman Anuj Kumar from the Sector 32 Fire station. Children were briefed on different types of fires and the appropriate extinguishers to be use for - solid, liquid, gas, metallic and electric.
Useful tips on fire evacuations and emergency measures were also discussed. A hands on practice was then given to children and members of the school-staff on how to operate these extinguishers.
Chandigarh, January 19 2019
Saupin’s 32 students and staff attended a fire safety workshop at school conducted by Fire Officer Raj Kumar and Fireman Anuj Kumar from the Sector 32 Fire station. Children were briefed on different types of fires and the appropriate extinguishers to be use for - solid, liquid, gas, metallic and electric.
Useful tips on fire evacuations and emergency measures were also discussed. A hands on practice was then given to children and members of the school-staff on how to operate these extinguishers.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Mayor Honoured ANN ANAND FOR ANIMALS Project Team from Panjab University
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 16 2019
Chandigarh, January 16 2019
Davesh Moudgil, Mayor, Chandigarh honored the team of the Ann Anand for Animals lead by Dr Gaurav Gaur, Assistant Professor, Centre for Social Work, Panjab University, Chandigarh. This special honour was given to the team of three students namely Hiteshi Arora, Ishita Choudhary and Nitika Saini who are pursuing their Masters in Social Work from Panjab University, Chandigarh. While interacting with the members, Mayor appreciated the best efforts put forward for this unique initiative by them in this project. He congratulated the team and said “They have shown the highest level of the commitment and passion towards the best use of left over green vegetables collected from various hostels and canteens and bringing them to the cow sheds”. He said the collected material will not only act as food for the cows and bulls but also serve the purpose of making the campus clean.
While interacting with the team members, Mayor said that your teacher being a NSS programme officer and you all three being NSS volunteers have proved the Motto of NSS " NOT ME BUT YOU" in the real sense. He also congratulated the Panjab University authorities for having such a dedicated team of students and a teacher who have set up an example of humanitarian effort in community service. He also asked the challenges faced by the team while implementing this project and how they over-came all these barriers. Gaurav Gaur, Assistant Professor, Centre for Social Work apprised him with the whole idea of initiating this project and it’s execution by their team. He said that they are running this project since November 2018. The volunteers also shared their experiences about the same. The whole team thanked the first citizen of the city for acknowledging their sincere efforts in such a nice manner.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Monday, 14 January 2019
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Blue Tigers Come Together to Light up Blind Football ; Decided to donate a sum of Rs. 50,000
School News Network
Abu Dhabi, January 08 2019
Abu Dhabi, January 08 2019
In a gesture to light up blind football in India, the Blue Tigers have decided to donate a sum of Rs. 50,000 from monetary sanctions gathered for breach of discipline to the Indian Blind Football Federation to buy footballs to them to play. The sanctions which have been prevalent over the past few years in the form of monetary fines have been collected for breach of discipline like arriving late for sessions, carrying mobile phones for meals, wearing the wrong attire, etc. Head Coach Stephen Constantine felt “it’s important to give it back to the community.”
“The footballs which the blind footballers use cost $50 each. So we are helping them busy some balls,” he said. “We collectively agreed among everybody within the National Team -- the players, and the staff that any money collected from fines or any misdemeanours will be donated for a good cause. It's just a very small gesture, but it shows that we can."
National Team Goalkeeper Gurpreet Singh Sandhu stated the players “support the noble cause wholeheartedly. We love this concept of helping others with the money,” explained Gurpreet. “The sanctions are there to impart discipline amongst us. Although nobody wants to be fined, this initiative makes us believe in the larger aspects of life. If we are able to contribute for a cause or help, why not. It helps us be better individuals.”
Meanwhile, Sunil J Mathew, Sporting Director, IBFF, thanked the Blue Tigers for their initiative. "This is to acknowledge and thank you for the donation towards helping cover the stay and kit expenses at the National Blind Football Academy at Kochi,” he commented. “We would like to especially thank the entire AIFF Coaching staff and the National Team for their support. We wish the entire team the very best for the Asian Cup.”
UK India Workshop on "Rebuilding a Resilient Kerala after Floods” held at Trivandrum
School News Network
Trivandrum, January 08 2019
Trivandrum, January 08 2019
Leeds University, UK and TKM College of Engineering, Kerala hosted a two-day international workshop titled “Rebuilding a Resilient Kerala after the Floods” in Trivandrum. The workshop focussed on bringing academia, industry and government agencies together with a common interest in rebuilding Kerala for a resilient future. Through the workshop, key stakeholders from both the countries jointly identified short-term, medium-term and long-term goals to deal with the following challenges:
1) Reconstruction of critical and civil infrastructure in a resilient manner
2) Building capability to cope with any future floods due to climate changes
3) Land use planning for a sustainable and resilient society
4) Educating the next generation of engineers to deal with the above three aspects
The workshop was co-hosted by the Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala and the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) under the aegis of the Newton-Bhabha Fund to support the UK-India bilateral science and innovation collaboration.
2) Building capability to cope with any future floods due to climate changes
3) Land use planning for a sustainable and resilient society
4) Educating the next generation of engineers to deal with the above three aspects
The workshop was co-hosted by the Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala and the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) under the aegis of the Newton-Bhabha Fund to support the UK-India bilateral science and innovation collaboration.
Addressing the gathering, Deputy High Commissioner Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford said, “I’m delighted that the jointly funded UK-India Newton-Bhabha Fund has been able to support such a vital discussion in Trivandrum to help rebuild a resilient post-flood Kerala. Our High Commissioner Dominic Asquith and I met the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala recently to express our concern for the loss of life and property during the floods and we are glad that UK-Kerala academic and research practitioners are coming together for this timely knowledge-sharing event. This event highlights how the best minds from India and the UK can together help solve real-world problems with solutions that can be applied to meet global challenges. It is of course part of wider work. The Newton-Bhabha Fund has supported 61 projects and grants in Kerala in sectors like Public Health & Wellbeing, Sustainable Cities & Urbanisation, Energy-Water-Food, Big Data, Advanced Manufacturing and Skills.”
The first day of the workshop was dedicated for presentations on research updates and the second day for panel discussions on four select themes, related to ‘Reconstruction of infrastructure’, ‘Building capability to cope with future floods’, ‘Land use planning’, and ‘Educating the next generation of engineers and scientists to deal with natural disasters’. Eminent experts from the UK and India for the research paper presentations included, Shaarad Sharma,Royal Academy of Engineering; Dr. P.A. Muhammed Basheer, University of Leeds; Dr. K.P. Sudheer,IIT Madras and Dr. P.P. Mujumdar, IISc Bangalore.
Minister for local self-governance, A.C. Moideen; S.M. Vijayanand IAS; Dr. K.M. Abraham IAS, P.H. Kurien IAS, Sri. Cherian Philip (State Coordinator, Nava Keralam Karma Padhathi, Government of Kerala) and Dr. V.K. Ramachandran (Vice-Chairman, Kerala State Planning Board) were among the dignitaries who participated at the event.
The first day of the workshop was dedicated for presentations on research updates and the second day for panel discussions on four select themes, related to ‘Reconstruction of infrastructure’, ‘Building capability to cope with future floods’, ‘Land use planning’, and ‘Educating the next generation of engineers and scientists to deal with natural disasters’. Eminent experts from the UK and India for the research paper presentations included, Shaarad Sharma,Royal Academy of Engineering; Dr. P.A. Muhammed Basheer, University of Leeds; Dr. K.P. Sudheer,IIT Madras and Dr. P.P. Mujumdar, IISc Bangalore.
Minister for local self-governance, A.C. Moideen; S.M. Vijayanand IAS; Dr. K.M. Abraham IAS, P.H. Kurien IAS, Sri. Cherian Philip (State Coordinator, Nava Keralam Karma Padhathi, Government of Kerala) and Dr. V.K. Ramachandran (Vice-Chairman, Kerala State Planning Board) were among the dignitaries who participated at the event.
Mr. Shaarad Sharma, Senior Manager, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK and Dr PA Mohammed Basheer, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering & Head of School of Civil Engineering University of Leeds, UK said: “Engineering is about making things work and making things work better. When put in the context of flooding and natural disasters, it is clear that engineers have a pivotal role to play in building resilience within our complex infrastructural and socio technical systems to protect our society amidst a changing climate and against external shocks. The Academy is proud to have this opportunity to engage with the State of Kerala through the Newton Bhabha Fund. This is a crucial time of the post-flood reconstruction process and it is important to have stakeholders from across government, industry and academia share a common understanding and jointly develop a plan to collaborate for the common good.”
“It is first time in the history of any educational institution in Kerala that an International Workshop of this level is hosted in association with the globally renowned Leeds University, UK and also in association with the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) and the Kerala State Planning Board. The theme of the workshop ‘Rebuilding a Resilient Kerala after the Floods in 2018’ is highly relevant at a time when the State is busy involved in preparing and examining different aspects and options for building up future Kerala in sustainable and resilient ways.” shared Dr. S. Ayoob, Principal, TKM College of Engineering, who welcomed the initiative to organise the workshop. The workshop was also supported by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment and the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme.
Monday, 7 January 2019
Anti-obesity and spotless skin campaign held at Chandigarh Press Club
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 07 2019
Art of Smile, a dental, skin , hair and weight loss clinic, in association with Chandigarh Press Club, organised an anti-obesity and spotless skin campaign here on Sunday. Dr Harleen Oberoi, a cosmetologist who has more than 10 years of experience in this field. delivered a lecture and demonstrated various therapies, including pumpkin peel, acne treatment and black doll, on the audience. She discussed tanning, acne and hyperpigmentation issues and laid stress on homecare remedies to treat them. Free consultation was provided to the participants.
Dr Harleen, while addressing the audience, said due to sedentary lifstyle, obesity had become a major issue today. Nearly 90 per cent of the Asian population suffers from the disease. It was also quite common among children these days.
Dr Harleen, while addressing the audience, said due to sedentary lifstyle, obesity had become a major issue today. Nearly 90 per cent of the Asian population suffers from the disease. It was also quite common among children these days.
She said although various slimming and other products were available in the market that claimed to treat the problem, the management of diet played an important role. She said taking a balanced diet was important for a healthy skin and body. Dr Harleen also discussed various diet plans and focussed on treating obesity through
non-surgical procedures.
non-surgical procedures.
Friday, 4 January 2019
‘Chandigarh says Good-bye Polythene Bags’ : Free Cloth Bags distributed, Street Play ‘Poly Raja’ enacted at Elante Mall
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 04 2019
Chandigarh, January 04 2019
To banish the polythene bags from Chandigarh city, with advent of New Year 2019 Department of Environment in collaboration with Yuvsatta-an NGO launched a ‘Chandigarh Says Good-bye Polythene Bags’ campaign. As part of the initiative, Yuvsatta volunteers along with ‘Raahat’ Welfare Committee of Guru Gobind Singh College for Women spread the message of ‘Say NO to Polythene Bags’ at Elaine Mall, Chandigarh. A street play ‘Poly-Raja’ was staged and over 500 free cloth bags were distributed to motivate more and more people adopting environmental friendly lifestyle by discarding use of polythene bags.
Sharing his concerns Debendra Dalai, Director, Department of Environment and Vice Chairman of Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee said that such forward stepping has to be carried forward in a sustained manner, experience tells that such crusades didn’t kick sky-high dust in the beginning, but given the time and sustenance do snowball unto a people’s movement, it is obvious that each one of us has to become a nucleus/hub center towards the eventual goal of ‘Clean & Green Chandigarh’. Prominent amongst those who were present on the occasion included Dr. Abdul Qayum, Dy. Conservator of Forests, Department of Forests & Environment, Chandigarh Administration Thrinath K, Centre Head, Elante Mall, Kulbhushan Kanwar, Environmentalist and Pramod Sharma, Coordinator of Yuvsatta-NGO. Addressing those present Dr. Abdul Qayum said that like many other states in the country that have become polythene-free, we with active involvement of city residents and young people will be taking up the drive in all areas of the city. Thrinath K, added that they at Elante always promote such environmental friendly endeavours to further strengthen the sustainable development, thinking and action among common people.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Sports Day for Juniors organised at Shemrock School, Mohali
School News Network
Chandigarh, January 02 2019
Sports day was organized at Shemrock Senior Secondary School Sector 69, Mohali in which tiny tots participated enthusiastically. Principal, Prineet Sohal while motivating the students urged them to show their team spirit. She further added that games develop different qualities like leadership, positive attitude, feeling of competition, positive self-esteem through accomplishments in the tiny tots.
The spectacular performances of the students in the Parachute drill and Yoga asans mesmerized the audiences. Tiny tots participated in various games like Scoop toss with different ball, Pass the ball, Hockey Drill race ,Claus race, Flag race, Hoop and ball race, Hoop and ball race, Hurdles mask race, Cross the river race, Racket and ball race, Frisbee and ball race, Kangroo race, Balance Master, Pick & drop Hockey and ball race etc. Fun activities with parents and teachers added to the enjoyment. While distributing prizes to the winners Chairman of the school A.S.Bajwa said that Regular involvement in sports and physical activity is one of the best ways to promote health and fitness among the students. According to him sports are also helpful in the holistic development of children.
The spectacular performances of the students in the Parachute drill and Yoga asans mesmerized the audiences. Tiny tots participated in various games like Scoop toss with different ball, Pass the ball, Hockey Drill race ,Claus race, Flag race, Hoop and ball race, Hoop and ball race, Hurdles mask race, Cross the river race, Racket and ball race, Frisbee and ball race, Kangroo race, Balance Master, Pick & drop Hockey and ball race etc. Fun activities with parents and teachers added to the enjoyment. While distributing prizes to the winners Chairman of the school A.S.Bajwa said that Regular involvement in sports and physical activity is one of the best ways to promote health and fitness among the students. According to him sports are also helpful in the holistic development of children.
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
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