
Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Night Curfew to be Imposed in all Punjab Towns & Cities from December 1

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 25 2020




Amid the grim Covid situation in Delhi-NCR and apprehensions of a second wave in Punjab, Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Wednesday ordered a series of fresh restrictions in the state, including re-imposition of night curfew in all towns and cities as well as doubling of fine for not wearing masks or following social distancing norms, with effect from December 1.

The curbs, which will shall be reviewed on December 15, also restrict opening timings of all hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces till 9.30 p.m. Night curfew will remain in force from 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., announced the Chief Minister, warning people against letting their guard down under any circumstances.

Giving details of the new restrictions after a high-level state Covid review meeting, an official spokesperson said fine for now following Covid appropriate behaviour shall be hiked from the present Rs 500 to Rs 1000.

Given the in-flow of patients from Delhi for treatment in Punjab, it has also been decided to review and optimise the beds availability in the state’s private hospitals. The Chief Minister has asked Chief Secretary Vini Mahajan to work with the concerned departments to encourage more private hospitals to come on board and earmark beds for Covid care.

To further strengthen the availability of oxygen and ICU beds, Captain Amarinder has ordered strengthening of the L II and L III, with constant monitoring of districts that are not equipped with L III facilities. The management practices in GMCHs and Civil Hospitals should also be examined in light of the recommendations of the report received from the Expert Group, he said. 

The Chief Minister has also directed the Health and Medical Education departments to make emergency appointments of specialists, super-specialists, nurses and paramedics, to further augment the manpower which was recently strengthened with
the recruitment of 249 specialist doctors and 407 medical officers. The departments have also been asked to consider preparing 4th and 5th year MBBS students as reserve and back-up, in case needed in the future.

On the testing front, the Chief Minister stressed the need to fully utilise the 25,500 daily RT-PCR testing capacity, and directed targeted and regular testing of potential super spreaders, including Government officials. The District Hospitals must have 24 x 7 testing available, and the same must also be made available at other convenient locations where people can easily access the same, he said.

While the increase in contract tracing was a positive sign, steps must be taken to ensure that all these contacts are also tested, said the Chief Minister, adding that the Patient Tracking Officers must also be assigned this task. 

To ensure that no deaths take place in home isolation, Captain Amarinder said the agency hired to look into these cases should keep close tabs on such patients. While mortality audit was ongoing, it was a matter of satisfaction that the Department was now collecting reasons for placing patients on ventilator by private hospitals, and there was a referral group available to monitor these patients, he added.

Referring to the reports of early vaccine coming in, the Chief Minister said while he was happy to note that the data base for healthcare workers was ready, the departments should also look at the other categories of frontline workers who could be prioritised for the vaccine.

Government of India blocks another 43 Mobile Applications

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 25 2020

In an official press release issued by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India, another 43 applications has been banned to be used by Indian mobile users. Here's the copy of press release and list of apps :-

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Department of Environment honoured Green Diwali Campaign Winners

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 24 2020

To promote cracker free, pollution free and safe festival of Deepawali, this year the Department of Environment, Chandigarh Administration along with Yuvsatta-NGO organized an Inter-School Short Mobile Video Contest on theme of ‘My Green Diwali-My Green Pledge’, in which over 225 students and teachers from twenty prominent Schools of the city participated.

In a formal function with all COVID protocols at Paryavaran Bhawan, Sector 19, Sh. Debendra Dalai, CCF & Director, Department of Environment honoured the prize winning students and teachers.

Appreciating the whole-hearted participation of all the city residents in ‘Green Diwali Celebrations’, Sh. Debendra Dalai said that this year at PGI, just one burn case was reported in Chandigarh on Diwali night against 60 in the festival the previous year. And all the injuries were minor in nature and the victims were sent home after necessary treatment. Moreover, with Chandigarh saying no to crackers, the city saw its AQI at 140 on the day after the festival against 341 post last Diwali.

Mr. Dalai added that a day after the Diwali festival we used to see our area littered with trash of cracker boxes and empty bottles, but this year it was different and clean. Now, we all have to keep this momentum of maintaining a clean and green city alive.

The winners of the Inter-School Short Mobile Video Contest were as under;

BEST FIVE JUNIOR SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS (Class I-V): Gurleen Kaur, Gurukul Global School, Ms. Dhruvika Bhardwaj, Manav Mangal High School, Koushal, Saupin's School, Abhinandit Sharma, St. Stephen's Preparatory School and Akanksha of St. Joseph’s Sr. Secondary School, Chandigarh.

BEST FIVE SENIOR SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS (Class VI-XII): Shivam Vats, GMSSS, Sector 35D, Nistha Navya, KB DAV Sr. Sec. Public School, Anamay Tripathy, Manav Mangal High School, Aryan Kaushik, St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School and Angad, St. Johns High School, Chandigarh.

BEST FIVE TEACHERS: Mrs. Seema Rani, Principal, GMSSS, Dhanas, Mrs. Parveen Kumari, Eco Club Incharge, GGMSSS, Sector 20B, Mrs. Sheetal, Eco Club Incharge, GMSSS, Kaimbwala, Mrs. Swati and Mrs. Monica Gulati of  Manav Mangal High School, Chandigarh.

Pramod Sharma, Coordinator of Yuvsatta added that besides the merit certificates and memento’s the winners were also given cash prizes of rupees twenty five thousand rupees with rupees 1000/- each in junior category, rupees fifteen hundred each for senior and rupees twenty five hundred each for all teachers. Besides this Sh. Debendra Dalai also presented a special Award of Honour to Principal, Manav Mangal School for overall BEST PARTICIPATION of their School.

Monday, 23 November 2020

Saupin's 32 student acclaimed by CM Punjab

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 23 2020

Saupin's 32 student Janvi of Class 7 displayed her skating skills at the Zee Punjab Himachal Haryana Debate meet and Conclave at Dara Studio on 21st November 2020. Chief Minister of Punjab, Captain Amarinder Singh called her on stage and commended her performance. 
Other dignitaries present at the function also applauded her.  

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Saupin's 32 student set World Record by making 141 pencil sketches of Sikh Gurus

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 22 2020

Saupin’s 32 student Divneesh Harpreet Singh of Class 1 set a new bench mark in New World Record by making 141 pencil shading sketches on the subject of Sikhism within the 1 month Covid-19 lockdown period. He covered all Sikh Gurus- their life, philosophy and teachings in his sketches.


Divneesh Singh with certificate and trophy

World Record India is one of the leading India based Record Book which certifies in India. It showcases any extraordinary achievement with the hope of  inspiring others living in India or abroad to try for the same and develop skills in their respective fields.
Divneesh with family members

He has also been felicitated on his achievement by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee. 

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Literati 2020 to go online this year; Will open tomorrow

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 19 2020

दर्शन, दर्द, गर्व और इतिहास पर होगी लिटराटी-2020 के पहले दिन चर्चा
चंडीगढ़ लिटरेरी सोसाइटी द्वारा शुक्रवार से लिटराटी 2020 का आयोजन होगा।

चंडीगढ़ लिटरेरी सोसाइटी के वार्षिक लिटरेचर फेस्टिवल लिटराटी के आठवें एडिशन का आयोजन ऑनलाइन शुक्रवार से होगा। इसका प्रसारण सोसाइटी के फेसबुक पेज और यूट्यूब चैनल पर लाइव होगा। पिछले प्रत्येक वर्ष ये फेस्टिवल शिवालिक की पहाड़ियों तले सुखना लेक क्लब में आयोजित होता था। मगर इसका आयोजन इस बार लाइव होगा।

फेस्टिवल का स्वागती भाषण सीएलएस की चेयरपर्सन, कवयित्री और लेखिका डॉ सुमिता मिश्रा देंगी, जिसके बाद फेस्टिवल के पहले सेशन में ‘मोक्ष- ए सेक्यूलर आइडिया ऑफ लिब्रेशन’ विषय पर प्रसिद्ध लेखक और फिलॉस्फर गुरचरण दास के साथ इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की स्थानीय संपादक मनराज ग्रेवाल चर्चा करेंगी। हावर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी से शिक्षा प्राप्त कर चुके गुरचरण दास प्रख्यात वक्ता हैं। इनकी किताबें भारतीय परिवेश और पारंपरिक भारतीय जीवन पर आधारित हैं। जिसमें ‘इंडिया अनबाउंड’ किताब अर्थ विषय पर, ‘द डिफिक्लिटी ऑफ बींग गुड’ किताब धर्म विषय पर और ‘काम- द रीडल ऑफ डिजायर’ किताब काम विषय पर आधारित रही। फेस्टिवल में गुरचरण अपनी हालिया किताब ‘मोक्ष’ पर चर्चा करेंगे, जो जीवन में अव्यवस्था के बीच मुक्ति के रास्ते की तलाश करती है।

फेस्टिवल में अगला सेशन युवा पीढ़ी पर आधारित रहेगा, जिसका विषय होगा ‘टू बी लाइकेबल एंड टू बी हैप्पी’। इस सेशन में मोडरेटर के रूप में मोटीवेशनल स्पीकर विवेक अत्रे लेखक ज्योत्सना मोहन भार्गव और क्रिएटिव डायरेक्टर नाओमी दत्ता से चर्चा करेंगे। ज्योत्सना की किताब ‘स्टोन्ड, शेम्ड, डिप्रेस्ड –एन एक्सप्लोसिव अकाउंट ऑफ द सिक्रेट लाइव्स ऑफ इंडियन अर्बन टीन्स’ बेस्ट सेलिंग किताबों में शामिल है और नाओमी प्रख्यात टेलीवीजन प्रोड्यसर हैं, जिन्होंने एमटीवी, स्टार वर्ल्ड और नेटफ्लिक्स के शो के लिए कार्य किया। सेशन में वर्तमान में अर्बन शहरों में स्कूली बच्चों के जीवन में आए परिवर्तन पर बात की जाएगी।

अगले सेशन में लेखक और कूटनीतिज्ञ नवतेज शर्मा और भारतीय मूल के आयरिश लेखक कैनवेरी माधवन के साथ मोडरेटर के रूप में कर्नल अवनीश शर्मा चर्चा करेंगे। इसका विषय ‘ट्रेसिंग फुटस्टेप्स’ रहेगा।

इसके बाद ‘पेन एंड प्राइड –पंजाब जर्नी थ्रू द ईयर्स’ विषय पर पंजाब की धरती के इतिहास और वक्त के साथ इसके सफर पर बंगलुरू के लेखक अमनदीप सिंह, लेखक  सरबप्रीत सिंह और मोडरेटर के रूप में डॉ रसीकप्रिया संधू चर्चा करेंगे।

दिन का आखिरी सेशन ‘इंक्रेडिबल इंडीया- सेक्रेड टेल्स ऑफ इंडियन टेंपल्स’ विषय पर रहेगा। जिसमें निहारिका भुवानिया के साथ 700 किताबों की समिक्षा करवाकर लिम्का बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड में नाम दर्ज करवा चुकी समिक्षक अनुराधा गोयल चर्चा करेंगी।


Online Links to लिटराटी-2020 :
YouTube LIVE- https://bit.ly/35G7O39
Facebook LIVE - https://bit.ly/3lIAmyi

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Lightenen Earthern Lamps to celebrate Diwali

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 14 2020

Celebrating "Mission; The Awakening" by lighting thousands of earthen lamps on the eve of Diwali at sector 17 Plaza Chandigarh on Friday (13-11-2020).
This is the 19th consecutive year that this event is being organised with the aim to propagate the message of peace, brotherhood and tolerance while inviting the people from different walks of life and celebrating the occasion together.

    Photos : Sumit Malhotra

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

DAV College donates proceeds of Green Diwali Sale to the INSTITUTE OF THE BLINDS

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 11 2020

The NSS unit of DAV College Chandigarh, in association with the Institute for the Blinds, Sector 26 Chandigarh celebrated Green Diwali under the able guidance of Principal Pawan Kumar Sharma and NSS Programming officers Dr Suman Kapur, Dr Sandeep Singh and Mr. Bhushan Kumar. The unit was able to secure a large amount of funds as part of sale of exquisite candles, which were prepared by the blind students. The amount was later sent to the Institute of the Blinds.

The volunteers came forward enthusiastically for this project and gave desk duties from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the entry gate of DAV College following all the guidelines in force due to COVID-19. 

The unit's idea to spread the light of happiness proved to be an incentive for celebrating a pollution free Diwali. With all the candles sold out, the activity was a successful one.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Rotary’s gift of 4 tons of Diwali Sweets for army jawans flagged off

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 10 2020

In no way we can compare the sacrifice of our jawans guarding our borders, said Governor of Punjab and Administrator UT Chandigarh, Shri V P Singh Badnore, as he flagged off three army trucks containing Diwali sweets.

He commended the Rotarians for their continued gesture of sending sweets and greetings on Diwali to jawans serving in the harsh conditions on our borders.

The project which was initiated in the year 2016 by Rotary Club of Chandigarh at the instance of Mrs Usha Saboo wife of the former world president of Rotary International Rajendra K Saboo, has now participation from Rotarians of other Rotary clubs in the District 3080 which comprises besides Chandigarh, parts of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, UP, and Utrakhand.

The programme continues to be spearheaded by the past district governor Rtn Kawal Bedi wife of an ex Indian Army Officer, who manages the entire logistics assisted by the past president of the club Neenu Vij and her husband Praveen Vij who takes care of the airlifting of the consignment through the Indian Air Force.

The current District Governor of Rotary District 3080 Ramesh Bajaj said that this is a humble gesture from Rotarians to acknowledge the great sacrifices that our jawans make.  

Club President Sukhjeet Singh Gill said that Rotarians are grateful to the IAF and all the Rotarians from District for keeping this project going.

The consignment of 4000 kg of mithai worth over Rs.20 lakh would be airlifted by the Indian Air Force to be delivered through helicopters and roads to the far-flung areas of Siachin, Ladakh and Leh.

Those present on the occasion included senior Rotarians including PDG Madhukar Malhotra, PDG Praveen Goyal, PDG TK Ruby,  DGE Ajay Madan, amongst others.

Friday, 6 November 2020

UT Administration bans sale or use of crackers

School News Network
Chandigarh, November 6 2020

UT administration in its order today have complety banned sale or use of crackers ahead of Diwali in entire area of Union Territory. Here's the copy of order :