
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Divneesh Singh paints message to celebrate Earth Day

School News Network
Chandigarh, April 22 2020

With the extension of lockdown in Chandigarh due to outbreak of COVID-19, residents are confined to their homes for the safety of themselves as well as others. Every citizen kills time with some work at home or learning new things. This period is quite difficult for kids to remain inside home all the day, however, on the positive note, children have got ample time to express their creativity by doing different activities. The same way Divneesh Singh of class I-B of Saupin's School Chandigarh has drawn a beautiful message to mark Earth Day today. The full size chart painting highlights how Ozone layer protects living beings whether they are human or other creatures on our planet. It also reveals the happiness of birds and animals during this COVID-19 times due to minimum pollution on earth. Here's the Kid showing his hand made work:- 

Divneesh Singh