
Wednesday, 12 August 2020


 School News Network

Chandigarh August 12 2020

On the ocassion of Shri Krishan Janamashtmi & International Youth Day Dr. Parveen Kumar, Warden, Boys Hostel No. 5, organized a Plantation Drive at the hostel premises. Under the able leadership of Professor S.K. Tomar, Dean Student Welfare (Men) and Prof. Sukhbir Kaur, Dean Student Welfare (Women) saplings were planted.

After the Plantation drive the worthy DSWs released the HandMade Bags made by the children of migrant construction workers. These children are living at the different construction sites of Panjab University campus sector 14, Chandigarh. All these bags were prepared by the waste newspapers under the guidance of Ms.Ishita Choudhary, student from Centre for Social Work, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Ishita is teaching these children since May 23rd 2020 on regular basis. These bags were prepared under the project Read to Lead...Kalam, Kitab aur Khwaeishen lead by Gaurav Gaur, Assistant Professor and NSS, Programme Officer, Panjab University. 

Appericiating the efforts put-in by Ms Ishita in teaching and imparting this vocational training to the students Prof Tomar said "What better we could have to mark this International Youth Day, today, where our own University students' have come forward and voluntarily serving the children in need. They are doing their best during this pandemic times". He interacted with these children and asked about their interests, daily routine, future plans and about their families etc. 

Prof Sukhbir Kaur, DSW (girls) also  interacted with these children and motivated them to pursue their studies whole heartedly.

Dr. Gaurav Gaur shared that, this initiative has two objectives like:  teaching these children a vocational skill and promoting healthly and safe environment by optimum utilisation of waste newspapers. 

Dr. Parveen Kumar, Warden Boys Hostel no. 5, while applauding the efforts, offered his support in sustaining such initiatives.

Those who were present at this occassion and planted a sapling included Dr. Bharat, Warden Boys Hostel No. 4, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Warden Boys Hostel No. 1, Dr. Anju Goyal, Warden Girls Hostel No. 1, Dr. Vishal Sharma, Warden Boys Hostel No. 8, and Dr. Simran, Warden Girls Hostel No. 8.

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